ASTRONAUTICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA U.R.Rao Satellite Centre, Airport Road, Bangalore - 560017, INDIA.
The Society will have the following categories of members: a. Fellow Member (FM) b. Life Member (LM) c. Student Member (SM) d. Corporate Member (CM)
2.2 Eligibility :Persons of eminnence who have made significant contributions in the field of astronautics and are of national/International reputation are eligible to apply for admission as Fellows of the Society. He or she must be Life member of the society. Fellows are selected by Executive Council. Distinguished Fellows are directly nominated by the Society.
2.2.2 Life Member (LM):Persons with Bachelor's or Master's or Doctorate Degree in science, engineering or allied technology and who have made signigicant contributions in the fields of rocketry, Space science and technology and Space applications in India or abroad are eligible to apply for admission as members of the Society.
2.2.3 Student Member (SM):Students of graduate or post graduate degree courses in science, engineering or allied technology in India or abroad and who have special interest in the field of rocketry, Space science and technology and Space applications are eligible to apply for admission as student members of the Society. They can become members in Astronautical Society of India.
2.2.4 Corporate Member (CM):Any academic, commercial or industrial institutions in India or abroad connected directly or indirectly with Astronautics are eligible to apply for admission as corporate members of the Society. Corporate Members are sub-categorized as follows:
a. | Platinum Corportae Member |
b. | Gold Corportae Member |
c. | Silver Corportae Member |
d. | Bronze Corportae Member |
(a) Not withstanding the eligiblity criteria stated above, admission to various categories of members are subject to the decision of the Programme Council of the Society
(b) Only those persons who have attained 18 years of age or more as on date of the application for membership are eligible for admission to the Society.
The Membership fee for different categories of membership is revisd as follows:
S. No. | Type of Membership | Fee (INR) | Fee (USD) |
1. | Fellow Member (FM) | 15,000.00 | $200.00 |
2. | Life Member (LM) | 11,000.00 | $150.00 |
3. | Student Member (SM) | 1,100.00 | $15.00 |
4. | Corporate Memeber (CM) | a. Platinum 2,00,000.00 b. Gold 1,00,000.00 c. Silver 50,000.00 d. Bronze 25,000.00 | $2500.00 $1250.00 $625.00 $325.00 |
Any member of the Society shall cease to be a member of the Society by withdrawal, removal, expulsion or death.
2.4. 1 Withdrawal :A member shall be permitted to withdraw from the Society provided he/she has discharged all his/her liabilitles to the Society.
2.4.2 Removal/Expulsion :Any member can be removed or expelled from the Society with the approval of the General Body under the following conditions :
a) He/she is not regular in his/her payment of any dues to the Society.The overall management of the Society shall be by a Programme Council consisting of all Fellows admitted by the Society. Chairman, Space Commission, Government of India, shall be the Ex-official Chairman of the Programme Council. Not more than five Fellows shall be admitted in any year to the Programme Council. The President of the Executive Council shall also be a member of the Programme Council. The Programme Council shall be responsible for generating and laying down broad guidelines for the functioning of the Society. The admission of members under various categories shall be as per the approval of the Programme Council.
3. 2 Executive Council :The day to day administration of the Society shall vest with the Executive Council consisting of 9 members including President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary and Treasure elected at the General Body Meeting of the Society. The Executive Council may recommend the list of members to be admited to the Society for approval by the Programme council of the Society.
(a) The Powers of the Executive Council Shall be as follows :
i) To take over and acquire by purchase, gifts or otherwise from individuals or institutions willing to transfer, movable and immovable properties, endowments or other funds with or without any attendant obligations and engagements consistent with the objectives of the Society stated in the Memorandum of Association.
ii) To open account with one or more banks, draw, make, accept, endorse and discount cheques, notes or other negotiable instruments.
iii) To approve all financial expenditure for any acitivity of the Society consistent with the objectives of the Society stated in Memborandum of Association and the provision of these rules.
iv) To build and construct buildings for meetings or research or any other scientific activity and to alter, extend, improve, repair, enlarge or modify the same.
b) The Executive Council shall meet as often as necessary but in any case not less than once in 3 months.
c) The quorum for the Executive Council meeting shall be a minimum of five members. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside over the meeting.
d) The Services of the members of the Executive Council shall be gratutions except that may receive conveyance and sitting fees subject to limitations as provided in the KSR Rules 1960.
e) The Executive Council shall be competent to frame subsidiary rules or internal regulations for the conduct of business consistent with the objectives of the Society. Such subsidiary rules or regulations shall be entered in minutes book and approved by the President of the Executive Council.
f) The tenure of office of the Executive Council shall be three years from the date of formation unless, otherwise decided by the General Body.
3. 2. 1 President :
The President shall be in administrative charge of the Society, its properties and affairs. The President shall preside over the Executive Council meetings and have the power to control the conduct of the meetings. In case of a tie, he shall have a deciding vote. He shall approve the minutes.
3.2.2 Vice President :In the absence of the President, the Vice President will chair the Executive Council meeting and attend to his functions.
3.2.3 Executive Secretary :The Executive Secretary shall be responsible for convening of all meetings, preparation of agenda and minutes for approval by the President. He shall be responsible for attending to the day-to-day work of the Society. He shall deal with all correspondence connected with the Society. He shall work under the controlling power of the President.
3.2.4 Treasurer :The Treasurer shall be responsible for the general conduct of finances of the Society. The Treasurer shall receive all the funds of the Society and shall deposit the same to the account of the Society. He shall also draw money from the account, if necessary, with the authorisation of the President or Executive Secretary. He shall maintain proper account of all receipts and payments. He shall arrange for the accounts to be audited prior to its submission to the Annual General Body Meeting.
3.2.5 Vacancies :Vacancies arising in the Executive Council due to resignation, death, or any other reason may be filled up by co-opting another member by the Executive Council for the unexpired period of such vacancy.
4. General Body Meetings :
a) General Body Meetings of the Society will be held on an annual basis normally during the month of January.
b) Notice of atleast twenty one days shall be given for calling Annual General Body Meetings. Notice for the General Body Meeting may be given to the members either by fixing a copy of the notice of the meeting in the Society's notice board or by sending the notice by post under certificate of posting. Any irregularity in sending of the notice, however, shall not invalidate the proceedings of the General Body Meeting.
c) The report of the audited account for the current and preceding year shall be discussed and confirmed.
d) A new Executive Council shall be elected in the General Body Meeting once every three years. The election shall be conducted by show of hands or, if necessary, by secret ballot.
e) Fifty members shall constitue a quorum for the General Body meeting.
a) Official year: The official year of the Society shall be from 1st April to 31st March of every year.
b) The assets and liabilities and the balance sheet of the Society shall be drawn up by the Treasurer, duly audited and shall be laid before the annual general body meeting, for confirmation.
c) Such balance sheet and the list of members of the Programme Council and Executive Council shall be filed with the Registrar of Societies as per Section 13 of the Karnataka Societies Registratiion Act 1960.
An Auditor appointed annually with remuneration as fixed by the Executive Council shall be responsible for checking the account books and for certifying the accuracy of receipts and expenditure.
7. Working Hours of the Society :Official business shall be transacted on all working days between 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 pm. The records will be open to the Registrar of Society or his/her nominee for inspection on any working day at an appointed time.
8. Alteration of Memorandom of the Society :The Society may alter or extend the purposes for which it is established in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 9 of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960.
9. Alteration of the Rules :The Society shall have the power to make and from time to time repeal, alter, amend or vary its Rules and Regulations for the administration and management of the Society and for furtherance of its objectives in accordance with section 10 of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960 and Rules 1961
10. Procedure for Dissolution/Amalgamation :
(a) The dissolution of the Society and distribution of profits thereof, shall be as per section 22 and 23 of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960.
(b) The procedure for amalgamation shall be in accordance with sec. 21 of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960.
On or before the fourteenth day succeeding the day on which the Annual General Body Meeting of the Society is held, the list of names, addresses, and occupations of the members of the Executive Council and Programme Council then entrusted with the management of the affairs of the Society and a copy of the balance sheet and income and expenditure account, audited by a person, who under section 226 of the Companies Act of 1956 ( Central Act / of 1956), can act as an auditor of Companies registered in the State of Karnataka, shall be filled with the Registrar of Societies. Every against all losses and expenses incurred in discharge of his/her duties hereunder except such as shall happen through his/her own neglect, wilful act or default and each one shall be chargeable only for so much money or property as he/she shall be chargeable only for so much money or property as he/she shall himself actually receive for or in discharge of the business of the Society, and each one shall be anserable only for his/her own act, neglects, or defaults and not for those of any other person.