To promote and foster the development of Astronautics for advancement of scientific knowledge for peaceful purpose. To encourage wide spread dissemination of technical and other information relating to Astronautics through various means such as seminars, publications, audio visual presentations, collaborative research, etc.

To stimulate public interest in and support for the multifaceted development and applications of Astronautics through any appropriate media.

To stimulate and encourage participation in research and applications related to Astronautics by national Institutions, Universities, Commercial and Industrial Organizations and Individual specialists.

To encourage and support, among members, activities related to growth in their professional knowledge on Astronautics.

To participate in and to foster co-operation with international institutions and associates with similar purpose and to represent internationally, the scientific and technological work of India in the field of Astronautics and to advise, as called for by appropriate government or non government organizations, on professional aspects related to the development and application of Astronautics.

To create and foster subsidiary associations and institutions dedicated to promote the development and peaceful applications of Astronautics.

To organize and arrange for meetings of the Congresses, Committees and Conferences in pursuance of its activities.

To secure and administer funds, grants and endowments for the furtherance of research in Astronautics and to institute awards, prizes or research grants to individuals or institutions for furtherance of advancement of knowledge in Astronautics.

To utilize the income of property of the Society towards the promotion and fulfillment of the objects set-forth in this memorandum. No portion of the income and property of the Society shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to any persons including the members of the Society.